
One of the main goals of the RCAHS/RMI is to produce highly trained, committed, focused and research oriented degree holders who will subsequently impart a substantial role in the betterment of mankind health. RCAHS students are thoroughly guided to conduct the research projects both as part of their curriculum and to build capacity for publishing articles. In collaboration with other RMI colleges (RCRS, RCN, RMC and RCD), RCAHS is proud to publish their first peer-reviewed biannual Rehman Journal of Health Sciences (RJHS, from July 2019. Two editions of RJHS have been published so far while the third is due in September, 2020.
RCAHS is equipped with basic skills labs for all disciplines where students get training and pursue basic types of research, however, in order to pursue a high level of research students are referred to relevant departments of RMI those are not only equipped with state of the art equipment but also having highly trained and qualified staff. Students of final semester carry out their research under close supervision. Every student of the final semester is bound to submit his/her research work in the form of dissertation/thesis/research report in the partial fulfilments of the requirement of the bachelor degree.