Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Ensuring academic excellence and continuous improvement through the RCAHS Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC).

Faculty Level/Central Committee Members

  • Mr Muhammad Imshad Khan   (focal Person/Incharge QEC RCAHS)
  • Mr. Tariq Jamil (PT Member/Convener)

College Level Committee Members

  • Ms. Asma Yazdan
  • Mr. Farooq Ur Rehman
  • Mr. Serajj Ud din
  • Mr. Imran Khan
  • Mr. Abidullah
  • Mr. kashif Khan

Activates of QEC- RCAHS

  • The QEC at RCAHS was established during 2023
  • PT members have also actively participated in series of trainings arranged by QEC on self-assessment, held from 20th Dec, 2023 to 13 th, March, 2024.
  • Mr Imshad Khan & Mr. Tariq Jamil, Participated in a “three days workshop held at KMU on how to write self assessment reports (22-24 April 2024).
  • PT member of RCAHS has participated in the progress review meeting arranged by QEC dated;  29 April, 2024
  • To date, BS Emergency care program has been Self-assessed. Other programs are under internal self-assessments for the period 2024-25 including rectification of weak areas
  • Regarding external evaluations, there have been six visits conducted by KMU and six visits conducted by HERA-KP.